These Last Days

This blog is inspired by a dream of whisper that stuck into my mind even after I woke up from sleep. It is rather unique in the sense that if not all, most of the blogs I created were derived from my  usual daily readings, reflections, and prayers.

As soon as I got up early in the morning, I immediately rushed to my office, got hold of my bible and opened it to the specific passages that was spoken in my dream. I went through them several times, praying in between for discernment as to God's will and purpose.

The message or revelation I received is "God Speaks through His Son".

As Christians, we all know that we cannot go to the Father except through His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (John 14:6). This is the reason why in our prayers, we always say "In Jesus Name" or "Grant these through Christ Your Son". What we usually missed out is whenever the Father speaks to us or grant our prayers, it is also through His Son. It is Jesus who speaks to us!

This is one of the great distinctions between the old and the new covenant. We live in the days when God no longer reveals His will and purpose for the lives of His people through the prophets. Jesus is the fulfillment of all prophecies of old and His New Covenant sums up God's will and purpose for men.

During my first years as a renewed Christian, I begun to experience the Lord's strong and living presence in me. These were the days when I first encountered and experienced the truth that "God Speaks".

It led me to create my very first journal where I have written all my daily "love letters" to the Lord. I was not yet "on-line" then so to speak but I was able to keep these software that contains all the memorable times I have with the Lord. On several occasions, I thought of publishing them but could not find the right and proper inspiration or motivation.

Today is the day that the Lord has made!


Speak Lord, Your servant is listening . . .