Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Prayer is not just a bunch of words that you utter before the Lord. It is God's way of revealing to you what you must do. Like Jesus, I usually rise up before the sun rises and it became a habit of mine to read and reflect on God's word. My prayer to the Lord is more of a response to the message or teaching that I have received from Him. (Reflection last Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012).


Help yourself during this troubled period by reading holy books. This reading provides excellent food for the soul and conduces to great progress along the path of perfection. By no means is it inferior to what we obtain through prayer and holy meditation. In prayer and meditation it is ourselves who speak to the Lord, while in holy reading it is God who speaks to us. Before beginning to read, raise your mind to the Lord and implore Him to guide your mind Himself, to speak to your heart and move your will. -- Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

Lord, thank you for speaking to me and confirming my thoughts.